5 Car Accessories for Road Trips

Road trips with family or friends are already great fun, but you’ll enhance the experience if you equip your car with a few accessories. The following items will make even the longest trip a pleasant one.

1. Car Dash Cam

It’s important to protect your vehicle when you’re out on the road and staying in unfamiliar places. A dash cam will record everything that happens around your car, including when it’s parked. If another driver damages your vehicle, you’ll have evidence that you were not at fault and can receive the maximum insurance payout. Plus, having a visible dash can will likely prevent you from becoming a victim of a scam in the first place.

2. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Prevent disputes about what to listen to in the car. Noise-cancelling headphones allow passengers to listen to something different from what the driver chooses. This is particularly useful if you’re traveling with children who want to hear their own songs.

3. Soft Blanket

Can’t agree on what temperature you should have the car? If the passengers prefer to be warmer than the driver, the solution is a cozy blanket. Your passengers can snuggle up underneath (and perhaps take a nap) while you stay refreshed with the AC blasting. This is another item that’s especially ideal if you have kids in the backseat; a soft blanket could encourage them to get some rest.

4. Neck Pillow

Many passengers find it difficult to fall asleep in the car, especially when they’re in the front seat. A neck pillow can make a huge difference. Definitely pick up one if you’re undertaking a long journey and two of you will be sharing the driving.

5. Rear Seat Entertainment

If you’ll be driving during the daytime — and especially if your road trip is with friends or older kids — your passengers will likely be awake, which could mean boredom. A great solution is a rear seat entertainment system. You can find models that are compatible with a range of devices, have built-in games, and allow you to play DVDs. Plus, the screen is much larger than a phone and passengers will avoid suffering from a crick in their neck from looking down at a tablet too long. A rear seat entertainment system is also ideal for kids who are too young to have their own devices.

Find a range of great car accessories at Method Motor. All our upgrades are high quality and customizable to suit your needs. Contact us to book an appointment to install the accessories of your choice.


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